Wednesday, 30 January 2013

in those shoes....

Roscoe Cutout Boot
all image from google images
Ola people!
I've been lusting after these monsters for aagggees! So i decided to let out all of this excitement through this post. I love the fact that these boots are so tough, its like they've got a voice of their own. They have all the features of a hard rocker, the heavy gold metal, leather and the stomp stomp heels, these are what makes these horrid beauties the whole package. I am especially loving how they look with something flowy and massive tees. This is what i would call the thorough biker.  
ta ta love Ben.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

In circular motion

hey dolls!
Just wanted to show of my new babies, aren't they incredible. I have decided to name them Delilah,in my household we have a habit of naming some of our properties. for example my frigdes' name is Catherine, yes we are a bunch of weirdo's lol. i have chosen this name because they are somewhat soulful yet add a lot of impact.  
You guys may have noticed me changing my blog name a few times and deleting some posts, well that was me just me finding my niche and knowing exactly what I'm blogging about, i don't want to end up all over the place. Right now I am happy with the way things are looking, and have decided not to publish a post unless i am 100% happy with it.
ooh and don't mind the little sticker thing still being on Delilah, i fear that if i take it of she won't be new anymore. oh and they are from 'The clock tower market' in Greenwich and only £5 ( i know bargain!), the jumper is vintage via my mama and the beanie is from H&M.
Have a lovely Sunday guys.
Love Ben 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Once upon a time

Once Upon A Time

Hey there!
This post is a mix of my love for Company magazine, (and may i add is freaking amazing, its always there when I'm in dying need of inspiration) and my love for ASOS ( i don't need to tell you how amazing this store is). I was looking through Company and came across this shop its called 'onceuponatimevintage' (hence the post title) and is located on ASOS Marketplace. it specialises in vintage, customised and modern clothing. I am completely and utterly in love with their studded beanies and tie-dye t-shirts and dresses, they're so edgy and cool. I would literally love to own this store, that way i could take everything for free.  I love this shop because it just screams me, especially the black cropped top with typographic print, although the prices are way above my budget, there is still no harm in admiring. Auvoir guys.
Love Ben
images from:

Thursday, 10 January 2013

long overdue

Heys guys hope you guys had a lovely new year. So about a week or so ago i got nominated for the Liebester award, it came as a surprise really as i didn't think that people were actually reading my blog and found it interesting enough to nominate, I'm so honoured, thanks so much to NIN? + ELL?,  and recently Ellisya Prilliana from the Monday diary who nominated me.
The rules are really simple:
Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you, then pick 1 of your favourite bloggers who have less than 200 followers and ask them a 11 new questions.
My Answers

1. Why did you start your blog ?
     It was of an outlet to express my style and share my interests. It was like a mood board of inspiration and thoughts.  
2. What's your goal (with your blog) ?
  Not sure yet. I just want people to read it and love it as much as i do, i want the Internet and the people on it to know that I'm here.
3. Which super power do you want?
oooh..can i have 2? i want super speed and invisibility.
4. How many languages do you speak?
     Two, currently learning french and failing miserably.
5. What's your resolutions for 2013?
      Get a job and shop a lot more.
6. Do you have any pets?
7. Who's your favourite designer ?
      I am in move with Alexander Wang, the shape and cut of her designs is so clean beautiful.
8. If you had to change something about yourself what would it be?
     I would make my hair grow a lot faster
9. What's your favourite food?
i love food full stop.
10. What's your favourite colour?
  I love the colour of Burger sauce.
11. What's your favourite movie? and why?
       It's forever changing. Right now its 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes', I just watched it (late! I know). I'm in love with that smart Ape and its not like a typical Ape movie where it dies for the 'greater good'.  

My Questions to you guys

1.) What's your favourite high street store?
2.) Are you a heels or trainers person?
3.) What inspires you ?
4.) what's your favourite place in the world?
5.) If you were a celebrity, who would yo be?
6.) Favourite decade of the 20th Century?
7.) What is your favourite saying?
8.) favourite animal?
9.) your favourite designer?
10.) Would happily have an ice cream in winter.?
11.  What animal would you love to be?

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello new year

2012 has been good to me! for starters I'm still here. That year i went through quite a few transitions. I transitioned from relaxed (permed) to natural, I willingly cut my hair, something i said i would never do. I turned 16! it is sort of a big deal right i mean they make whole shows out of this age. I started sixth form,which is excruciating, but I'm getting through. I went to Paris, which is an immensely beautiful city and have a really good H&M. When i grow old and have travelled the world and had my grand kids, I'm going to buy a nice cosy apartment in France with a balcony in a neighbour full of laughing children playing football every minute of the day and narrow roads and then I'm going to sit on that balcony for the rest of my life.
I'm not gonna lie for a Broke kid like me, Paris did sort of batter my wallet. That reminds me of summer, the best season, there was so much Sun! Then there were those weird random days where the weather won't make up its mind. 
Great thing about the sun is when i woke up today on the first day of 2013 I looked out the window and the sun was shining like it was summer. I sought of felt like 2013 was probably gonna be better. Hopefully.