Wednesday, 30 January 2013

in those shoes....

Roscoe Cutout Boot
all image from google images
Ola people!
I've been lusting after these monsters for aagggees! So i decided to let out all of this excitement through this post. I love the fact that these boots are so tough, its like they've got a voice of their own. They have all the features of a hard rocker, the heavy gold metal, leather and the stomp stomp heels, these are what makes these horrid beauties the whole package. I am especially loving how they look with something flowy and massive tees. This is what i would call the thorough biker.  
ta ta love Ben.


  1. Girl, these shoes are MONSTER. amazing pictures babe. Mind checking out my blog?

    1. Thanks lovex. completely agree, scared shitless of these shoes. definetley checking out your blog.
